Briefs: Data exec Gray to leave ANZ, IRD on hunt for bank details

Banking Day staff
  • Emma Gray, ANZ's group executive data and automation, has resigned after two years in the role. She joined ANZ in February 2017 as the group's inaugural chief data officer, and will finish with ANZ in August. The bank stated that Gray's core data responsibilities, including data governance and data delivery, will be led by Michelle Pinheiro in her new role as chief risk officer data and technology, reporting to group chief risk officer Kevin Corbally. 
  • New Zealand’s Inland Revenue Department is on an expensive hunt for the bank details of up to 170,000 low income Kiwis so it can pay the government’s ‘cost of living’ payment to them. The NZ$350 payment will be paid in three monthly instalments of $116.67 starting from August 1. Opposition finance spokeswoman Nicola Willis described the process as a "bureaucratic dog's breakfast", but Revenue Minister David Parker maintains the IRD having the bank account numbers of more Kiwis will make the tax system more efficient in the long term.