Debt fret the daily double

Ian Rogers
The personal debt load of the average person is A$49,000, an online survey by Canstar has found.

Of the 2100 people polled, two thirds said they held debt on credit cards, 17 per cent on car loans, 16 per cent on personal loans and, for now, 10 per cent of the fast-growing buy now pay later variety.

Payday loans formed part of the debt burden for two per cent and HECS 10 per cent.

And twenty per cent said they held "other" personal debt, perhaps tax debts and family loans.

The Canstar survey found 43 per cent of people worry about their debt on a daily basis and 35 per cent fret weekly.

The cohort in this survey took a bread and potatoes approach to where they preferred to save.

Everyday savings and transaction accounts was the top pick followed by offset accounts and term deposits.

In this survey the disinterest in "investment" was acute, with shares and exchange-traded funds ranked fourth or fifth choice.